I Pledge my HEART to greater loyalty...

"Heart for greater loyalty" is a phrase within the 4-H pledge that underscores the importance of personal commitment, integrity, and service to others. In the context of the 4 H's of 4-H, "Heart" represents:

1. **Personal Values and Integrity**: "Heart" emphasizes the development of strong personal values such as honesty, responsibility, and respect for others. It encourages youth to embody these values in their actions and interactions within their clubs, communities, and beyond.

2. **Commitment to Service**: "Heart for greater loyalty" encourages youth to dedicate themselves to serving others. This involves participating in community service projects, promoting goodwill, and making positive contributions to society.

3. **Building Relationships**: The concept of "Heart" in 4-H also promotes the building of meaningful relationships and connections with others. It fosters a sense of empathy, compassion, and understanding towards individuals from diverse backgrounds.

4. **Civic Engagement**: Youth are encouraged to actively engage in civic activities and take responsibility for making their communities better places to live. This can include volunteering, advocacy, and participating in democratic processes.

Overall, "Heart for greater loyalty" in the 4 H's of 4-H reflects a commitment to developing well-rounded individuals who are not only skilled and knowledgeable (Head and Hands) but also compassionate, responsible, and dedicated to serving others (Heart). It aims to instill values and behaviors that contribute to building a better society and fostering a sense of belonging and loyalty to one's community and beyond.

In Our 2nd Cloverbud Meeting...

Learn about new project areas

This is a great opportunity to create! We'll make a craft that the 'Buds can enter at the Brown County Fair. This project usually is a Home Environment or Visual Arts project. 

Talk about being a good friend and club member. 

Our 4-H club works together to complete projects and it's important to support each by showing up and chipping in. We'll also explore some common activities in 4-H. 

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